Sunday, 12 February 2017

Travels in Lanzarote: Day 4. On Top of the World!

During our first week, the weather stayed mostly a bit cold, so we figured walking was a good idea. We wrapped up and climbed into the hills behind our house.

The land at the north of the island rises up high, then drops suddenly away. Near the top was a spectacular viewing point, where the land fell away to the sea. Beneath us was the longest beach in Lanzarota, the Playa Famara. The towering Famara cliffs sweep down and then, way below, run behind the beach.

John is not great with heights. He did well to cope with this view. Though this was definitely as much as he could take, you could climb further, so I clambered up to a higher point still. The rocky edge I sketched was above and to the right of the photo above.


Cathy said...

I love the texture of your sketch! Is this mostly watercolor with some overlay of watercolor pencil? Regardless, the effect is wonderful!

Lynne the Pencil said...

Thank you. Yes - it's as you say: watercolour with just a few details picked out afterwards with Inktense pencils. Glad you like it!