I was very brave and didn't cry, although I did have a bit of a funny turn at one point - you know, where shock makes you go all weird and queasy? Apparently I went very white but luckily managed not to disgrace myself by throwing up.

It took 2 hours and was the same as last time, except in stereo, and with LOTS more anaesthetic, so I didn't kick him in the teeth again! John came to hold my hand and help me hobble to the car afterwards, with my two bandaged feet.
I couldn't manage stairs on my own, so spent all of yesterday in the living room, alternating between reading, sketching and phoning friends and family for lots of lovely sympathy. John pre-prepared a lunch for me, which I drew before I ate it:

I am clearly doing something wrong though, to have my toes in this mess, probably not wearing the right shoes, so I treated myself to a pair of healthy, but quite funky, new ones they were selling at the clinic:

This all sounds very opainful Lynne. I hope you're - well... back on your feet soon and able to enjoy your holiday.
Thanks Damian - me too!
That does sound very painful...I too hope you make a super swift recovery and are back on your feet in record time. Lovely sketches! Awesome red shoes and I LOVE beetroot and cheese sandwiches!
Oh no! I'm on the waiting list now!!!
Love the shoes.
Oh my god that lunch looks absolutely delicious.
Thank god I read this post close to lunchtime, I will nip off and make myself something straight away.
But, here's wishing you a speedy and total recovery, with maybe a few more lunches thrown in :)
Ha ha - I'm rather hurt that you thought of your stomach 1st and your sympathy for my ordeal 2nd Jon!
Good luck Jill - you'll be much better afterwards I promise x
Ah, well, no, you see, I waffled on about sandwiches first, and then sent best wishes, cos the wishes were more important :)
I forgive you.
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