On Wednesday, I spent another day at my exhibition. The theme was Big Draw Dinosaur, so I concentrated on reading Gnash Gnaw Dinosaur! and showed people how to draw their own T Rex, like this one by Bethany:

I knew I'd have to draw lots of different dinosaurs on the flipchart too, so had to swot up on my other dinos - I haven't drawn most of them since I finished the original illustrations back in February of last year!

I sat on the train with lots of scrap paper and practiced drawing diplodocuses, pteradons, kronosauruses, stegosauruses etc. etc. until they were passable. I caught the odd person peeking, obviously wondering what I was up to.
This meant that I didn't sketch at all on the way there, but luckily did quite a few on the way back as you will see.

When it was all over, I relaxed with a coffee and a slab of excellent walnut cake at a local cafe, with an old friend who'd come all the way from The Lake District to see the show before it finishes next week. Thanks Mary!
Then I got my train home and began sketching: the man below is the one the hands above belong to. I think he was marking exam papers.

I wasn't very happy with this next sketch and nearly didn't scan it in, but when I'd played around with colour in Photoshop, it seemed to work a lot better, even though it's not a very accurate depiction of the subject:

This next guy was sitting next to exam-man, and was getting on my nerves. He kept changing position, so in the end I abandoned him altogether. But I came back, and almost finished him off just before Sheffield, which was when I noticed he was reading Plato. I was sufficiently impressed to forgive him!Before I go, I'd like to say a special hello to anyone from St. Stephen's Primary who's reading - it was lovely to see so many children turn up on to see me. Your books are finally on their way by the way!
Lovely sketches Lynne! What lucky children being shown how to do draw disosoars and Bethany's has a hint of your style!;D x
that last pic is brilliant though. Glad you finished it.
Think Bethany has an excellent sense of motion in her pic too- very unusual for young folk to get that working, I'd say. Once again, I reckon we need to watch our backs! New wave of up and coming illustrators ahoy!
You know, some of these streelife/trainlife pictures, with your writing on them remind me them what that Toulouse Lautrec fella did. If you know what I mean.
Thanks guys!
Bethany was very keen - I did 3 more or less identical sessions that day, gaving flipchart drawings away to kids who guessed what I was drawing or answered quiz questions from the story. Bethany came to all 3 sessions, because she was determined to win a picture to take home!
As always, so full of fun and color!
I love the portrait sketches in w/Photoshop.
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