Monday, 20 June 2016

Sorting out the Sketchbooks for my Exhibition

Now my latest picture book is finished, I have been spending most of my studio time organising my artist-in-residence exhibition for the end of July. What seemed ages away, is suddenly imminent and there is still SO much to be done. I am getting some help from the Morgan Centre, but most of it is things which only I can do.

At least now I have a bit of spare time to get on with it. I have been back to the gallery and re-measured all the space, then worked out exactly how much room I have and how best to lay everything out. The upshot is that I have space to exhibit 27 of the 40 plus sketchbooks I've created. The task of choosing which 27 was proving too daunting though - where to begin? So John and I laid them out on the dining room table, 3 at a time, and went through the lot together, creating in, out and maybe piles.

Some were in because they were part of specific projects, like the Dormant Things research I have been doing a fair bit of work on, the Sythesised Menthol project in the 3 images above, or the Dementia Carers Research below:

Then there were those which were just a bit different, like the book I filled over a few weeks, following the progress of the team of builders right outside the door to our building:

Some of them got really interested and I got quite chummy with this gang of workers:

The tricky ones were the books filled with meetings, seminars and lectures. They are all different, when you look at the text, and all had some lovely work I am very proud of, but because they are essentially people sitting about in rooms, they could look a bit samey. This put them top of the list when it came to culling. Very hard.

Reluctantly, I let some go, knowing that at least I have the projections on the far wall, where I can show any sections I don't want to go unseen. Plus we have 5 or 6 HUGE boards, where I can feature much-enlarged details. I might use some to show sketches from books which didn't make the grade, like these Chinese students, who were trying out their graduation gowns on a sunny afternoon:

These three piles are the final selection:

My Precioussss.....


Jennie C. said...

I love your sketches, and how amazing to have your work featured in an exhibition!

Tom Shannon Illustration said...

Such great work!!

Elizabeth Merchant said...

'Sorting out the Sketchbooks for my Exhibition' - Somewhere in your 40 sketchbooks - might be something with children. Yes - 'Class One are DONE!!' Your work is lively and eye-catching. Isn't it fun?

Locika said...

Better sketching and i appreciate your sketching .

Robert Smith said...

Wonderful writing. I like your post. And nice illustration as well. Thanks