Friday 9 August 2013

Tricky, but Better than Doing Nothing

I'm sure you can tell from the inappropriate amount of stuff I try to pack into the day (John's always moaning at me) that I am not especially good at sitting still. But that's what had to happen after my op. It was a novelty for the first 24 hours: licence to play on my phone and read a book all day long, while being waited on (sort of) by you-know-who.

Then it got boring. 

So, yesterday, since everything has been fine (no pain - hurrah - and no swelling), I dispensed with the constant ice packs (thank goodness: every cushion and tea towel in the house has been sopping wet at some point), and did some work from my armchair, on a laptop.  Tricky, with one leg balancing on a tower of cushions, but just about possible.

Today I hauled myself upstairs - 2 flights - VERY carefully, and am trying out the studio. It's not the most comfortable thing in the world though, trying to work at a computer with your leg in the air!

In case you're wondering, I haven't gone all 'street': the cap is to hide the hair, as I can't shower for 2 weeks (yuk).

I have a check-up on Monday and, after that, though I still won't be able to walk, I am hoping I will be allowed to at least sit normally, so I can get behind my drawing desk, as I have a new book project to start work on. But that's another story...


ann @ studiohyde said...

Now that's determination, two flights of stairs! Still, I can understand the boredom bit, I hate doing nothing, it sounds so good when you're busy, but in reality it sucks!

Lynne the Pencil said...

That's so true. Next week, when I'm back at work, I'll be longing for time to just sit and dream...

aylin kaplan said...

I hope you'll get better soon.

Kelley said...

I hope you get better soon! It must be really tricky to work like that.

Denys said...

Dear Lynne, get well soon!

Unknown said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Neta Hagiladi said...

oh gosh, Lynne - I just read that - wow, I hope it gets better. I had a scooter accident exactly 1 year ago, a week before my planned journey to the U.S). I broke my ankle and sat at home for 2 months. But you seem unstoppable :) wish you a fast and successful recovery! neta

Lynne the Pencil said...

Oh no - poor you Neta! Hope all is well now. I am heeling fine. I'll be able to put a shoe on next week. About 4 weeks until business as usual, but I will soon be walking again. I have to do it all again in 3 or 4 months though, in fact I have two more goes at it to look forward to!