On Monday, once the final checks were done on this batch of my Baby Goes Baaaa! illustrations, I spent the day at my computer, preparing various resources for my exhibition in the summer.
Like the show I had in Tameside in 2009, there will be far more than just framed artwork, but we're adding lots of new ideas to build on the previous exhibition. I've been beavering away creating more children's worksheets, and I've written lots of new information sheets to work alongside the images, much like this blog I suppose.
We think the new show will probably be called 'Llamas in Pyjamas', to link with Lark in the Ark:

We think the new show will probably be called 'Llamas in Pyjamas', to link with Lark in the Ark:

On Tuesday, I took the train to Salford to be shown round the gallery by Amy Goodwin, the curator, and to meet Dave Robinson, the man behind lots of new and exciting ideas for children's activities. He is not only going to create a massive ark, but build Mrs Duck's house from Big Big Wolf is Good, as a 'drawing den':

Another fun plan of Dave's is to build an 'anaconda tunnel' along one wall under the pictures (he has ideas involving fabric, hoops, hardboard and sponge...), so that children can enter the snake at one end and emerge from a massive 3D mouth at the other. I am in awe!

For the adults, we want to create a film booth with seating, where people can watch videos of me talking about various aspects of my work, and we are going to put together some glass cabinets containing open sketchbooks, my book illustration roughs, tools of the trade etc.

I'm also going to lead a SketchCrawl in and around the building, probably in August, which should be great as it is such a lovely old building, with amazing ceilings and is surrounded by grass and trees, and opposite an extraordinarily grand and intricately decorated, university building. Plus there are some really interesting exhibits in the permanent collection - I got a personal tour (thanks Amy!). The Victorian Street in so convincing it's spooky, especially as you access it by walking down a grand staircase and out through what looks for all the world like the front doors! It reminded me instantly of the secret entrance to Diagon Alley in Harry Potter:

I will of course keep you updated on how it's going and fear not - there will be no opportunity whatsoever for the opening to pass you by accidentally!

For the adults, we want to create a film booth with seating, where people can watch videos of me talking about various aspects of my work, and we are going to put together some glass cabinets containing open sketchbooks, my book illustration roughs, tools of the trade etc.

I'm also going to lead a SketchCrawl in and around the building, probably in August, which should be great as it is such a lovely old building, with amazing ceilings and is surrounded by grass and trees, and opposite an extraordinarily grand and intricately decorated, university building. Plus there are some really interesting exhibits in the permanent collection - I got a personal tour (thanks Amy!). The Victorian Street in so convincing it's spooky, especially as you access it by walking down a grand staircase and out through what looks for all the world like the front doors! It reminded me instantly of the secret entrance to Diagon Alley in Harry Potter:

I will of course keep you updated on how it's going and fear not - there will be no opportunity whatsoever for the opening to pass you by accidentally!
It sounds fantastic! The best of luck with it all.
Sue x.
Hi Lynne,those llamas are very funny.. me leaning that the name llamas of pajamas is fabulous.
I adored the drawing of the snake that swallows.. or it tries to swallow the boy, it is so tropical.
leaning that the idea of doing la in tunnel format is great and that will be a lot of amusement for the children.
I would like so much personally of go see your show. it is a dream for me.!
Your exhibition sounds like it'll be such a fab experience! Love the llamas!
Glad you enjoyed Liverpool and Salford is only a hop, skip and a jump away so I'm REALLY looking forward to the exhibition. And a sketchcrawl in August!! Fab work as ever x
It is so interesting to hear the creative planning behind the exhibition! I love imagining what it all will look like. The Llamas are loveable! Have you ever drawn alpacas?
The ideas for the exhibit sound amazing, and a sketch crawl to boot!...it makes me want to bump our travel plans to the UK up a year so that we can come and see this fun event.
That all sounds amazing, well done, look forward to hearing more :)
Cool! I blog hopped my way here and so glad I did. Will definitely be at the exhibition in the summer, I don't live far from Salford - brilliant :)
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