I have sent off all my Baby Goes Baaaa! reworks to my publisher and, while I'm waiting for the verdict, I've been thinking about the cover. My editor says the cover illustration needs to be bold and simple, with a really strong character, who is very appealing: cute, whilst at the same time funny...
'Easy-peasy' I hear you say (!!)

I started with these sketches. It seems pretty obvious that the cover needs to feature the lamb, to ensure the title makes sense, but possibly another character too, if there's space.
It's a square format though which, once you've got the title in across the top, makes things tighter. I think there's a possible idea here (evolved from the little sketch in the top right above):

I just knocked a mug of coffee all over the computer desk, which hasn't helped progress. Luckily it's only ruined a pack of blank paper, and at least in mopping it up I've got rid of some of the dust and grime round the back of the computer and underneath my printer!

I started with these sketches. It seems pretty obvious that the cover needs to feature the lamb, to ensure the title makes sense, but possibly another character too, if there's space.
It's a square format though which, once you've got the title in across the top, makes things tighter. I think there's a possible idea here (evolved from the little sketch in the top right above):

I just knocked a mug of coffee all over the computer desk, which hasn't helped progress. Luckily it's only ruined a pack of blank paper, and at least in mopping it up I've got rid of some of the dust and grime round the back of the computer and underneath my printer!
i like the monkey hanging from the words...he he he.
sorry about the spilled coffee...:(
have a great day!
Your work is so inspiring. I love how much action you show. It's so alive and wonderful.
Thank you!
Thanks for posting this, I always find it really interesting seeing people's ideas and working out.
I agree, I think there's a cover in the last sketch, cool having the monkey hanging off the letters :)
They are so endearing!! I love your sketches. I love seeing the process you go through and I have an even greater appreciation now when I see your books! That monkey is adorable and the little muffin flying up from the sweet lamb's hand! I can hear the "gasp" that must have happened when the coffee spilled...yikes!!!
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