I had a great time yesterday at St Stephen's CofE Primary School in Tameside: it's so helpful when the school prepares well. Everyone had looked at my website, and they'd got hold of about 2 dozen copies of my books in advance, so all the children were buzzing long before I got there.

Immediately I walked through the door, little voices could be heard whispering in corners:
'Is that Lynne Chapman?'
'It's her!'
'Look... it's Lynne Chapman!'
They were in having a dinosaur themed week: the children arrived at school one morning to discover a massive dinosaur egg in the hall and, two days later, it had hatched! There were dinosaur prints leading away, and a baby dinosaur was found in a classroom. Apparently, each morning since, it has been discovered in a new spot.
So, I spent the day mostly teaching children how to draw an big, angry T Rex. I had great fun acting out the way a dinosaur stomps, so they could see how his arms and legs should go. Not everyone was 100% confident to begin with, but they all came up with smashing drawings, with very scary teeth!
They were in having a dinosaur themed week: the children arrived at school one morning to discover a massive dinosaur egg in the hall and, two days later, it had hatched! There were dinosaur prints leading away, and a baby dinosaur was found in a classroom. Apparently, each morning since, it has been discovered in a new spot.
So, I spent the day mostly teaching children how to draw an big, angry T Rex. I had great fun acting out the way a dinosaur stomps, so they could see how his arms and legs should go. Not everyone was 100% confident to begin with, but they all came up with smashing drawings, with very scary teeth!

I showed children my sketchbook, including the drawing at the top, which I did on the way there. Above is the one I did on the way home.
Thanks to all the teachers for a wonderfully friendly day (not to mention the biscuits): a real pleasure all round.
I've really liked seeing your sketchbook work over the last few days, and it's been nice to read how your school trips are going. It sounds like you're having an ace time.
That is a marvellous story Lynne. I can just inmagine the excitement on the children's faces when they discovered that the egg had hatched, and all their little legs running around tracking the footprints. What lovely teachers they must be at that school. That story reminded me of a certain little girl who used to visit the money tree in the park and pick up 'windfalls'!
I really enjoyed you coming in.I really liked your sketchbook.Your pictures were great,I think the T-Rex was the best.You are an ace illustrator.Please come again soon.
thnx lynne for coming to our school by the way we are from st.stephens we love your drawrings
from chloe class 5 xxx
Ireally enjoyed you coming in to are school.I liked your picture of QUEALER the koala best but i like the t rex.i like your sketchbook.your pictures was great i like the man you drew on the way here.i likr your manchester to sheffiled picture aswell.You are very nice illustrator please come again by summer
To Lynne [best drawer]
Oh Thankyou so much for coming to St.Stephens C.E I had a brill time.
Do you know now I draw dinos 247!
Ive even gone to a printing shop and made my dino drawin into a top for Mollie[my teddy shhhhh]now I can show everyone my try copy drawings of your dino oh by the way its still up and I hope it will stay up.
How lovely to have messages from pupils at St Stephens! Hello again everyone!
What a great idea turning your picture into a teddy T-shirt Jordyn. Email me a photo!
Hi lynne its chloe again we love youuuuu
Hi Lynne,
This is Miss Jones, the Year 3 teacher at St. Stephen's. Thanks again for a brilliant day. The work you did in my class was fantastic- the children were very engaged and their pictures were great. That's a lovely write-up on your blog - and nice to see some of the pupils have replied too!
Thanks again,
Miss Jones.
it is summer again all class 5 loved it they really want to see you again please come again you was great
class 5
You are are very welcome indeed - thank you for having me!
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