Phew - I have finally finished the cover artwork, despite my fixative nightmares:

You might notice that the frog is at a slightly odd angle. This is because he's not designed to be seen in full. Probably only his top half will be visible, once the title goes in. The idea is that he will be peeking around the edge of the big 'B', something like this:

This was the one addition that the Egmont made to my re-rough and is a clever thought...Because of the way books are displayed these days on the shelf of the bookshop, often only a slim slice down the left hand side of the cover is visible. In order to entice a browser to pull the book out for a proper look, Egmont say they are now always trying to put something interesting or fun in that slice. The designer asked for 'a bug or something', but I thought the frog from the Eee-Eee / Flip-Flop / Grrrr page would fit the bill perfectly:

I drew him all, rather than just his top half, to allow us to see him through the holes in the B, if once it's all put together, we decide that looks best. Also, to give us greater flexibility for any foreign editions, where the title letter might change.
What a great idea! Love that froggie.
Very clever planning... and so nice to see the froggie again :)
I'm so glad this all worked out! I had read your last post and was feeling badly for you... all that beautiful work and I was hoping the yellow wasn't ruined. The frog is just too cute! I have just recently realized that foreign copies have to be taken into consideration with type placement... it must be very thrilling to know that your books are seen all over the world!
Will you be adding blue splashes to the frog?
Thanks folks - glad you like him!
No, I won't bother with the blue paint as so little of him will be visible, it will just be visually confusing, especially as people won't understand why, until they have actually read the book.
Absolutely LOVE the slightly shocked looking Mole.
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