The roll inside was 6ft wide and very, very long, so cumbersome in fact, that the only way to even unroll it, was over the dining table.

I then set about cutting out all the animals, to save time for the team at the other end. It was a bit tricky, as the vinyl kept flopping about, but it didn't take that long in the end.

It's all pretty exciting, as I'm imagining how dramatic they are going to look! The white is the backing paper, that peels off to leave clear, sticky-back plastic, much like the stuff we used to cover our books with, way back when.

This is stuck on to the inside of the window (apparently, you wipe the glass with soapy water first, which buys you re-positioning time), then another roll of white backing is stuck up behind the images, to make them more opaque and show up better.

If I've got it right, this then has to be cut to fit the animal shapes after they are actually up on the window, which sounds a pretty gruelling job. I will deliver them to the designer this week and then have to leave it to him and his team (which will be the hardest bit for me - I confess, I'm a bit of a control freak).

The publishers' sales reps are on the case, trying to arrange some kind of tie-in with the nearby Waterstones. Maybe an in-store event; not sure yet. I'll keep you posted and take LOTS of photos when it's done!
This is Fantastic ! What fun for you to see them all so big and to be involved in this event.
Thanks for the photos and Yes please, keep us up to date
Love to see how they look in situ.
They are going to look so good, you must be really pleased. Take loads of photo's to show us!
Hi Lynne, I write from Madrid, the capital of Spain (Europe) I am one of your followers on Flickr and here at Blogspot, I really like your drawings of the faces when you go on public transport. I am a working mother but takes the time to draw, I'm an amateur at drawing and painting and try to learn from people who draw as good as you. This oversized red dragon looks so cute! If you have a free moment I would like to invite you to visit my blog to see my drawings and I would like to know your opinion about them, thank you very much. http://elrincondebohemia.blogspot.com/
Hi Marisol - thank you! I love that film of the Barcelona Sketchcrawl on your blog.
Wow Lynne. How brilliant to have your work brought to life like this! They look fantastic!
Can I pick your brains regarding cover letters? I'm on the verge of sending off my life's work. Aarrghh!
Thanks Katie. Email me re the letter thing and I'll help if I can.
wow wow! this is amazing! I wish I could have a table cover like that!
Wow, it must be great to see your work so big. What fun.
I bet it's tempting to get a bunch done and stick them up all over the house :)
Oh, these are so wonderful!!!!!!!!
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