Yes, it's August 5th and it's... PUBLICATION DAY! Hurrah! (cue fireworks...)
You can order your copy of Bears on the Stairs through Amazon or, if you live in the UK and would like a signed copy (with a little piccy drawn too), let me know. Only hardback for the moment I'm afraid. The paperback is due out next March.

If you're interested, you can see, and read details about how I did the illustrations for Julia Jarman's wonderful story Bears on the Stairs right here, on the blog.

Anderson Press kindly gave me permission to post everything, day by day, as I went along, so you can see the work in progress, right from my first sketchbook characters, through the designing of the roughs, all the way to the finished artwork.

Whether you're a would-be, or newly qualified illustrator, an author who wants to understand better what happens to your story once you let go of it, or just someone generally interested in children's books or illustration, you can read through the entire process, by starting from my first post, on June 16th last year, when I received the blank layouts from the editor at Anderson, and working your way forward to the final stage: the delivery of the proofs on Nov 8th!

I do hope you enjoy our book. I know Julia is really proud of the story and I certainly had a lot of fun playing my part in it's creation!
Yay! Congrats!
Big congratulations!
Congratulations! And thank you for these images... there's so much to learn in just these three stages of your drawing.
I do have a of the pictures shows an illustration with large blocks coloured in and smaller details blank. Do you use pastels for these smaller sections as well, or some other medium?
No, it's all pastels: a combination of regular pastels and pastel pencils for the fine details. If you go back and look at the posts while I was creating the artwork, I talk about how I use both and why some areas are blank.
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