Actually, there were about 8 sicks, all last night, pretty much on the hour (groan). I think I know what was to blame: a little bit of left-over cheese that, thinking about it now, had been lurking in the fridge for rather too long. It tasted all right, but then it was blue cheese, so how would you tell?

I'm feeling a bit delicate, though no longer sick, thank goodness. I have successfully managed a mug of weak tea since I got up, but am pretty hungry now, so am working up to negotiating a slice of bread...
I'm very grateful this didn't happen a day later, as tomorrow I am in a school all day!
That was 'sick as a goat' then. Glad you're on the mend.
Oh no! Feeling sick is worse than anything (unless you count being sick of course!)Hope you're feeling better...
I've followed your blog silently for some while and really enjoy it, especially seeing your roughs and sketches and all the 'behind the scenes' stuff as it were!
Get well soon,
(Windsongs & Wordhoards)
Oh no! So sorry you're not feeling well. :( Glad that you're on the road to recovery now!
My son and I continue to run into 'Class Two at the Zoo' at the library...I think I'm going to have to make a special trip to the bookstore to buy that one, as it's taken up almost a permanent place in our home anyway!
Hope you're 100% by tomorrow!
Get well soon, Lyne!
Ooh, glad you're feeling a bit better.
I don't blame you, though, that blue cheese can be very tempting, darn it.
Great pic, by the way, really describes the feeling :)
Thanks for your well wishes everyone. I'm definitely feeling a bit more human today!
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