A title to keep you guessing, eh?

Well, 'Mouldy' is fab author/illustrator Chris Mould, currently Artist in Residence at Dean Clough, a gargantuan, restored carpet mill, now a business and arts complex in Halifax. That's Chris above, in his studio space at the mill.

I absolutely love Chris's drawings, so it was wonderful to visit Dean Clough on Wednesday and see his room wallpapered in spidery, biro roughs.

The day came about because Chris invited author Caryl Hart and myself to give a short talk about our work to students on an art and illustration course, run by painter John Ross (he in the befittingly arty beret!):

After lunch, Chris took Caryl and myself on a tour of Dean Clough's galleries, introducing us to other Artists-in-Residence, who very kindly showed us their studio spaces and work in progress.
I was particularly taken with the gorgeous colours and textures in Doug Binder's paintings (his space was filled with that lovely oil-paint smell that reminded me of my Grandad's painting shed):

It has been a very busy, but smashing week: Monday in Nottingham, Tuesday in London (more later), Wednesday in Halifax and, as you read this, I will be at Ireby Music Festival in the Lake District. This time I will be in the audience for once! I packed a sketchbook though...
That looks like a good day out Lynne. Nice seeing a picture of Chris's studio - he's looking busy. I do like his work... quite a talented chap.
this is an amazing post!!!
Thank you Lisa!
Yes Damian, he seems a very busy bunny indeed!
Really interesting post.
Great to see Chris's studio papered with roughs, very inspiring :)
Doug Binder! The best art teacher I ever had. What a revelation; his paintings look beautiful. Ah, Pompey Pre-Dip 1968. Good old Doug.
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