I tried out John's idea on the fat, medium-sized bear. The koala seemed to fit so well, I didn't bother with the panda. My editor has stressed that she sees this as quite a young book, so I have to be very careful. With that in mind, I was going for that slightly dim, bullying kid at school, rather than him being truly scary...

I'm still working on the others as well. Show you soon!
He's adorable -but to me he doesn't look scary. A bit like a bear version of Fred Flintstone or Homer Simpson
My editor has stressed that she sees this as quite a young child's book and wants me to be very careful. I'm going to try to make them more like naughty bullies, than real nasties. That's the theory!
Then that makes him just right. He looks the type that would threaten to spit at you unless you handed over your jelly babies!"
I think he's great! Having a 6 year old boy myself, who is aware of bullies I think this would appeal to him very much. Not scary but looks like a trouble maker. I love the nose picking too nice touch!!! heheh
I think he works great:)
I would make his belly pop a little around the belly button though -or knees go a bit higher ;) Just a thought on bear construction ;)
I love the finger picking his nose detail!
He is an absolutely perfect bully. And I can already imagine the children's delightful responses to the nose picking idea. Lots of yucks, ewws and giggles.
Great character! I chuckled a bit when I saw him. He does look like a bully, but also a bit bored and depressed. The perfect combination! Love the nose picking. Humm, when was the last time he took a shower? Maybe he stinks a bit too.
I'm so excited that you are sharing the process.
Thanks all - I'm really getting into it now.
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