I am SO excited! Marie Knudson and Katie Kennedy from Tameside Art Galleries visited the studio today, to talk about an exhibition in 2009. I've never been much into exhibiting my work, as there's so much to do, and work doesn't sell easily. But this is really different. Marie and Katie are so lovely, with lots of exciting ideas, and they are happy to do all the difficult or boring bits for me; all I have to do is the fun stuff.

The exhibition will be in the Central Art Gallery, from August 14th to November 7th. I can choose about 20 spreads from maybe 5 books, plus we are also going to frame smaller, related pieces to hang below, at child height, as well as bits of background information and anecdotes: I simply HAVE to use the nipple story (see An Itch To Scratch).

The idea is that we use the gallery space for me to do children's workshops and storytellings, surrounded by the work. So as well as the formal opening night in August, we are planning a big family opening day once the school holidays are over, in September. And when it comes down in November, Marie is looking at the possibility of turning it into a touring exhibition!!!
I can't quite believe it. I might burst if I have to wait until next summer!
I can't quite believe it. I might burst if I have to wait until next summer!
Congratulations Lynne! We are so proud of all your acheivements, and this one is so exciting. I hope you will make it possible for Dad and I to visit this exhibition! I am so sad that Granny and Grandad are not here to know what a great success you have made in your chosen career, but perhaps they are!
Love you lots Mummy
congratulations!!!! That's fantasticly exciting news!!! It sounds like Christmas has come early.
It's so, so lovely to hear about people being given opportunities like this- great for illustrators and fab for readers!
Look forward to seeing the show!
Thank you so much!
It's still quite unusual for illustration to be exhibited in galleries in any major way, which makes it all the more exciting. The gallery people really sound as though they are going to give it their all too, so it couldn't be better.
It'll be really lovely to have a focal point for gathering friends and family together. Can't wait!
What fantastic news Lynne - you star - I'll certainly make the trip to see the exhibition.
The wallpaper idea sounds great doesn't it. I bet it will look wonderful. I've got a couple of picture to colour from Itch to Scratch in pdf format on my website (I think I sent them to you at the time anyway) but feel free to use those if they are of any use - though I'm sure you'll have no problem making you own.
All good wishes
I think Big G will definitely have to feature, complete with the full nipple compliment!
Thanks for the offer of the work sheets - all contributions very welcome!
I am so enjoying catching up with your news. Congratulations - certainly hope we can see the exhibition and bring Fynnjan along. He would absolutely love it. Richly deserved and very exciting.
Thank you! It's so lovely that people are actually reading this and enjoying hearing about my ups and downs.
Yes I do hope you can come to the exhibition. I will send you an invite for sure!
Hi Lynne, Thanks for visiting my blog. Your illustrations are absolutely delightful. I love the little girl skipping rope that's on your website.
I'm so pleased you like them. I was particularly pleased with the little girl myself!
I know and admire your work as an illustrator. Your pictures just make me want to pick them up and cuddle them, and they make me smile with pleasure. So thanks for cheering up my morning.
Lucy Coats Owen
How lovely - thank you!
Congratulations! I absolutely love the illustrations you've chosen to accompany this post. They exemplify happiness!!!!!
Thank you - it's rather fun trawling through my images to find fitting ones, although it's a terrible distraction from actually creating new ones!!
Wow you've done heaps of books. Love the quirky animal characters -I've even seen some of your books in stores in New Zealand!
Ben Galbraith (NZ)
Thank you!
It's great to hear that the books are in your shops too. I know there have been some coeditions for Oz/NZ, but I somehow never quite believe that books actually appear in shops!!
Keep in touch - I'll be really keen to hear about any new books you do.
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