We have builders at the house at the moment, paving our drive. This is the strange sculpture they leave in our back garden every night, comprising of their various bits of gear, piled together. I thought I'd have a go at capturing it for posterity:

I still don't seem to be able to get my images to enlarge when clicked - loading them bigger didn't work, as Blogger just resized them automatically! Any help would be appreciated...
beautiful colours and texture on there.
yes, I had noticed that about your pieces. I thought you had some setting on them to stop them enlarging. Occasionally, I'd like to put something up where you can't enlarge it, so if you do find out what it's all about, please let us know.
So how come yours enlarge? It was suggested that if I made them bigger, they would, but it's not working for me. How big do you load your images?
I usually do them at 72 dpi and about 500dpi either way. I don't think I've done anything different to make them enlarge...? weird!
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