Thanks for all your well wishes folks. I am feeling a bit better today, although still subject to occasional fits of coughing, that shake the studio and rattle my brain!
Today I have to set my sketchbook aside and get on with some proper picture book illustration again. I had some very positive feedback from that acquisitions meeting I told you about a few weeks ago, and it seems my project idea was very well received.

The publisher is still not quite ready to commit 100%, but has offered me a development fee to work up more character drawings (hurrah!). They say I've hit the right note with the characterisations but, because it is aimed at littlies, they are keen for all the animals to be baby animals.
Not sure how much more I'll be able to show you while it's in development, but in the meantime, I am posting more of the pen & ink drawings I did from the window in the Picture Gallery.
Hiya, Lyne!...How's the weather today in Sheffield?..Very sunny here in West London. A big embrace. All the best!
Sorry, Lynne, I've dropped an "N" from your name!
Hi Lynne! Glad you are feeling better! I like the illo sketch, what a great sense of balance this octopus has! :)
brilliant news, Missus. Will keep fingers crossed for ye. x
Looks like the beginnings of another really cracking project Lynne- I do so admire that very talented octopus. Congratulations!
Hi Lynne
good to hear you're feeling better and great to hear that the project has a partial thumbs up. It's always encouraging isn't it.
So glad you are feeling better. Those coughs do tend to hang on a bit, don't they?
I love this jello-juggling octopus and the other characters. Of course they are brilliant, your work always is! Good luck with the project.
Thanks so much for your very nice comments on my blog. It means so much to me, because I admire your work tremendously!!!!
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