Tuesday, 21 August 2018

I'm Auctioning another Tree Painting

I wanted to let you know that I am auctioning off another of my tree paintings. This time it is a watercolour I painted on Briar Road in Sheffield, created on heavy quality, watercolour paper, measuring 28 x 37cm. The last one sold for £200 in the end, which was wonderful.

If you would like to own this painting, you can bid on the auction website or, if you are not on Facebook, you can email me your bid. There are lots of other lovely things for sale on the STAG auction site, so it's well worth a bit of a look.

All proceeds go to the legal fund to support the Sheffield Tree Action Group's protests against the council's intention of chopping down yet more healthy, mature trees in Sheffield. It's been a long, hard struggle and thousands of trees across the city have been destroyed, but we have had some success recently and the council have been forced to meet with protesters to discuss ways of managing the situation.

So, whether you are interested in helping to save Sheffield's dwindling numbers of mature street trees, or just like the idea of a lovely tree painting on your wall, get your bid in now! You just leave the bid as a comment on the post. Easy peasy.

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