I have just received this French edition of Giddy the Great (we always get sent a copy of any foreign editions). This one is rather a cute format: a mini size, at just 18 x 16 cm!

Since this is French I know I'll have no trouble, but I also have this Afrikaans edition of An Itch to Scratch (sorry to those I told that it was in Dutch!):
In the past I've used Freecycle to find takers, but I thought it might be fun to try offering them here. So, if you would like either, and are happy to send an SAE, leave me a comment (with an email address).

Hi Lynne - Wow! I'd love 'Cornilion Cest Un Champion'! Would you sign it? That would be fabber than fab! Email your address, and I'll send an sae and my address etc. Oh, if no one else has asked, of course - I don't want to que-jump!
ReplyDeleteOh, whoops! buskitten@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would be interested in sending it to my french teacher from high school who just had a baby a few weeks ago. It would be a really cool present... especially if you signed it!
Hi Lynne - that little Giddy book looks great...
ReplyDeleteThat's the South African Itch to Scratch (Afrikaans)though - very similar to Dutch. There is a Dutch one though isn't there - called something like Wie Helpt Grotte Gorilla.
Whoops! Well spotted Damian!! I'll correct it on the post. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI think since Buskitten was first in and has been such a solid follower from the word go, I'm going to let her have Cornilion - sorry Candace!
ReplyDeleteSo, any Afrikaans speakers out there..?