Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Little Lad and Puss are Visiting Manchester!

I had another of those nice surprise parcels this morning: something I had completely forgotten about. I couldn't think what it could be and the little package was sellotaped to within an inch of its life, so it took me several minutes, a craft knife and a pair of scissors to get into it to find out what was hiding in there!

It turned out to be some samples of this rather lovely leaflet, advertising all the wonderful things you can do in your library. And there, in the middle, peeped out the little boy from Bears on the Stairs, one of my favourite books I've done with Julia Jarman, along with his pet cat (who was modelled on my Mum's beautiful cat Emma by the way).

Do you remember that last year, Manchester Libraries redesigned all their children's library cards and used my illustrations on them? Well, they got back in touch a few months ago and asked if they could use this image too, so that everything tied in.

They've done a great job. I love the colours and the retro-style front, which of course makes you think of the lovely vintage Penguin Classic book jackets. Great idea guys!