Monday, 30 November 2015

Kangaroos Cancan Cafe Re-Opens for Business!

I've had another of those rather lovely packages through the post recently. This one was one I was sort of expecting around now, but had forgotten about, so it was wonderful to cut open the box and discover...

...lots of dancing kangaroos in their brand new edition! Yes, Julia Jarman and I have been campaigning to get Kangaroo's Cancan Cafe back in print (Julia has done most of the work to be fair), and the great news is, we succeeded! He's been in the dark for a while, so it is great to have him back.

Hachette have done a print run of 1000 copies - not many, but if they sell, they have promised more. So, to help keep the cancan alive, you know what you have to do!

Our book was originally published by Orchard Books, but this new edition is being put out by Hodder, publishers of Class Two at the Zoo, Class Three all at Sea and the new Class One Farmyard Fun, which I am working on right now. Both Orchard and Hodder are part of the bigger Hachette and it seemed more streamlined to have all our books under the same umbrella.

I am delighted to have this one back. It's always been one of my favourites for reading aloud in schools. I have got my feather bower out again and dusted off my cancan CD. Let the dancing begin! 


  1. Wonderful! What colorful and fun illustrations! :)

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