Yep: if all is going to plan, that'll be me, somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean as we speak. I will have finished all my filming in Denver (can't wait to tell you all about it - hope it went well...), done my weekend workshop for the university there and be at this very moment winging my way back home to Blighty. Though perhaps it's tempting fate to point it out. We'll see!
In the meantime, how many of you clever folks got the musical reference in the title? I suspect only those over a certain age (the precise details of which shall not be mentioned, to protect the innocent). If you were around in the 70s, you might remember the iconic Nimble Bread adverts:
It was revolting stuff - about as far from healthy wholemeal as it's possible to get - but the ad used a great old song by the Honeybus, I Can't Let Maggie Go:
Okay, so hands up who remembers that far back..?
Okay, so hands up who remembers that far back..?
Nice post!