Sunday, 30 November 2014

Yahoo - I Got my Grant from The Leverhulme Trust!!

In August I was approached my a professor at Manchester University, asking if I would be interested in doing a residency with the Sociology Department at The Morgan Centre. They had discovered that The Leverhulme Trust was offering grants of £15,000 to fund projects where artists work in partnership with non-art institutions. It's a wonderful idea and I was excited to be asked.

We spent September writing the bid between us, trying to get it just right. The idea is that I will be a sketching fly-on-the-wall in their department for a full academic year, in particular recording key research projects. It's especially interesting to be doing this now, as sociologists have been thinking a lot lately about different, less impersonal ways in which to gather and record data. The team at The Morgan Centre are all really excited about the project and the possibilities for the future. They are thinking of writing a paper on me!

Anyway, the BRILLIANT news is that I just got a letter from the trust, saying we got the money. I was told the decision wouldn't come through until around Christmas, so it was totally unexpected. I was pretty nervous opening the letter (vague memories of A Level results...).

The actual work won't kick in until late next year unfortunately, as we wanted the project to encompass a full academic year but, from October 2015, I will be doing my reportage-sketching for 2 days a week and I can't wait - it sounds so interesting. You can read a bit more about the specific projects I'll be sketching on my last post about it.


  1. Congratulations! that's great news.

  2. Great news! I've been following you for a while and it is great to see how things are coming together for you. Look forward to the sketches!!

  3. Wonderful news! Sounds like a very interesting project. Congratulations! :)


  4. That is great news, What an interesting thing to be doing. Well done on getting all the boring paperwork and applications written! I've recently been following Richard Johnson with his drawings of soldiers in Afghanistan and thinking how much more vivid a visual reportage is than any amount of words. I look forward to seeing the results of your project next year.

  5. Great news, Lynne! Just don't forget to do pics for Class One Farmyard Fun before you go.

  6. Thank you everyone. It's really exciting how things are developing.

    Julia - as it happens, it's all going to be going on at the same time. I will be working on Class One in the other half of the week, so a nice contrast :-)

  7. Theses are wonderful news Lynne! Congrats!!

  8. woo hoo Congratulations Lynne!!

  9. Sounds like a fab thing to do. Looking forward to hearing how you get on next year.

  10. Congratulations - it sounds like very interesting project.
