Sunday, 2 February 2014

Jungle Animals Stampede Publishing House!!

Well okay, not quite literally, but the entire Jungle Grumble menagerie has been rounded up, tethered by John with masking tape and card, then popped in a package and posted off to Piccadilly Press: I made my deadline (cue applause...). 

It's an odd sensation, particularly with this book, which has taken quite a lot of graft, because of the complexity of the images. There is a sense of relief, a slight fear for the package's safe arrival, but also a vague feeling of disbelief that it's actually all done. 

Not that it is entirely done. Once all my artwork has been scanned, I will have the digital finishing work to do. All the vignettes need cutting out in Photoshop, like the piece above: the final piece I had to do (remember the altered end?). Also, because of the inevitable jungle undergrowth textures in the backgrounds of many of the illustrations, we need to get all the text in place and check for legibility issues. On my computer, I can slightly lighten background areas if necessary and tinker with any mark-making that interferes with the words.

The schedule is pretty fierce, as Piccadilly want it proofed in time for the Bologna Children's Book Fair at the end of March. I will get the digital scans by Feb 19th and have to get all the Photoshop work done by the 28th. Then it's all put together at the publishers, sent round to everyone for a final once-over, then off to proofing on March 14th.

I can't wait to see how it looks! 

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