Friday, 10 August 2012

Donating Co-Editions to Libraries

I've been trying to tidy up the studio a bit today. I need to get down to more work on my new book, but there are piles of stuff on every surface and it's a nightmare. I don't work well in mess: I have a threshold but, once crossed, I have to sort things out.

So to free up some shelf space, I've had another clear out of my foreign co-editions. 

The publisher sends me at least one copy of each co-edition that's printed. They are great fun to see and sometimes I use them in my school workshops, but they do clog up the shelves. In any case, I think a book, especially a children's book, should be out there with a child, not stuck in storage in my studio. 

So, every so often I have a blitz and give them all away. Sometimes they go to relevant individuals but, if not, I donate them to Sheffield Libraries. There's always a big demand for children's books in a wide variety of languages, but with budgets what they are at the moment, it's not considered high priority.

So, authors and illustrators: dig out those foreign-editions, donate them to your library and free up some space in your studio too!


  1. I spotted bears on stairs in helsinki, in finnish. That one will be a hit at your sheffield library:-)

  2. We are always incredibly grateful for any donations you offer us. Thank you!

    In fact, a well thumbed copy of one of your books in Croatian (if I remember rightly) was returned by a borrower today! :)

  3. Glad to hear it was well thumbed - that's great!
