Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Quick-on-the-Draw: Sketching Workshop Folder

When I'm at the Urban Sketchers symposium next week, I will be delivering the same speed-sketching workshop 3 times: once per day. The rest of the time I get to play!

Just as I did with the recent dry run, I want to use lots of my own previous sketches as examples to help brief in my workshop exercises. But it's going to be really hot in Santo Domingo - in the 80 and 90s every day (gasp!) so I don't want to be lugging loads of sketchbooks around with me. I remember from Lisbon last year, that there already seems to be plenty to carry. So, I scanned in the most relevant sketches and made myself a little folder. Now all I have to do it carry that.

Of course, as you can see, I couldn't help getting carried away and making a nice title sheet, to act as the cover:

As if I didn't have enough to do, worrying about all the other stuff I mustn't forget to pack tomorrow! Tell you all about it when I get back. I have pre-written some posts about the work I've been doing on my book, to keep you going in the meantime.


  1. Have a fabulous time at the symposium.

  2. Thankyou Lynne for all your posts on the Symposium....next best thing to being there.
    Enjoy it all!
