Friday, 9 March 2012

Writing and Storytelling at Darton Primary School

I don't do as many writing workshops as I do illustration ones, so it made a nice change to do a day of them on Monday, with the KS2 children at the lovely Darton Primary School just outside Barnsley. 

I am trying out some new ideas, so I did things a little differently to previous occasions. I drew a different illustrated scene on the flipchart for each class, with them suggesting different elements, then used that as the starting point for their stories. 

To decide on their hero, I made each child write an animal on a piece of paper. Then we mixed them up in a bag, and handed them back out randomly.

It was a two-day visit, so I spent Tuesday with KS1, doing storytellings. The children were all lovely and I was looked after really well (the Headmaster kept popping in with mugs of tea for me all day long!).

And I have to say, they had the best displays I have ever seen. Extraordinary, 3-dimensional ones, using paper-engineering to create things like the head and shoulders of Sherlock Holmes, bursting through the wall!

Thank you to everyone for such a fun visit and especially to Darton's
lovely Head, Mr Porter, not just for all the tea and for chauffeuring me back and forth to the station, but also for taking such an interest and sitting in on various sessions.

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