Monday, 26 September 2011

Children's Illustration Workshop: I've Been Given Away as a Prize!

Well, only for one afternoon. Do you remember me working a few months ago on a Greenaway shadowing project in Nottingham? 

As well as the prize awarded to the best school taking part, individual children also submitted artwork based on the workshops I ran during my initial visit. The best 18 pieces of work were featured as part of this lovely display in the Learning Centre at Ellis Guilford, who organised the project. My particular fave is the astonishing 3D piece at the top: a flying machine (featuring the artist as pilot), based on the Greenaway Award winning book, Farther.

Those 18 clever children were then invited to spend an afternoon at Ellis Guilford School, to view the display, tuck into a scrummy lunch and then accept their prize: me!

I talked to them about my work and then we went downstairs into the art department and did a practical workshop. 

I taught them how to draw movement, and also how to use facial expressions and body language to draw what a character is thinking and feeling, so that an illustration speaks to the viewer without the need for speech bubbles. 

They all seemed to have a good time and produced some very good work which they took back to school to colour, as we only had time to create line-drawings (a bit of a shame, as we were in a fab art room, with all sorts of art equipment at our finger-tips. Ah well - I always run out of time!).

These are a couple of sketches I did on the way home. I did the first one from the window of my train, while we were sitting in Nottingham station before we got going. This one below is well on my way back:

I often find I am full of beans during the visit, no matter how long I'm there and how busy the day, but as soon as I get onto the train, it's like someone pulled the plug.

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