Wednesday, 17 August 2011

'Llamas in Pyjamas' Workshops

Yesterday I went back to my 'Llamas in Pyjamas' exhibition in Salford. I was commissioned to do a day of illustration workshops, to tie in with the show.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how it went, as I'm having to write this before the event, because as soon as I got home from Salford last night, I will have had to get all my stuff together for Edinburgh, pack and then have an early night. I decided to get the 7am train up there this morning, so I would arrive in time to see some events in the afternoon.

If all has gone well, I will have just checked in at my hotel, and will be having the swiftest possible wash and brush up, before walking back to the festival site to grab some lunch, ready to see Maggie O'Farrell at 1.30 and then at 3pm, wait for it... Niel Gaiman!! Yahoo!

Anyway, let's hope shed-loads of children turned up for my workshop in Salford and do the same again on Thursday afternoon for my Edinburgh event. Last time I was there, they had internet access in the author's yurt, so I might get the chance to say a quick hello, 'live' as it were, and let you know. Wish me luck!

By the way, there are now photos from the Salford show on Flickr, (viewable whether you are into Flickr and have an account or not).


  1. Got off the Southport to Manchester train 2 stops early to see this ( on way to buy the dreaded school shoes!) They are quite remarkable chalk drawings in the flesh. Remarkable in that they are sooo neat. Great fun, Kids should love it. There should be more exhibitions of picture book illustrations. ANd how lucky are you going to see Maggie O'Farrell AND Neil Gaiman. Some people have it all!

  2. Hi Angie - so glad you made it to the show and found it interesting. Yes, the neat chalk thing is a bit of a nightmare sometimes (like right now, actually!).

    Didn't actually get to see Niel Gaiman in the end (but that's another story). I saw John Byrne instead.
