I sometimes get emails, asking if I ever do talks for adults that are open to the public. It's unfortunately not something I do that often (though I'm always happy to...), but this month I have been invited by The Friends of Harrogate Library and the Harrogate Children’s Book Group, to give a lecture:
It will be at Harrogate Library on Saturday 25th June 2011 from 2.45 - 3.45pm.
The lecture is about my work and the making of picture books. It follows the life of a book from the germ of an idea to the bookshop. I look at character development, the evolution of ideas, creating pastel artwork, pre and post-artwork design, production methods and publicity. I also look at some of the hilarious and frustrating effects of foreign markets.
And it's of course stuffed to bursting with illustrations (just like this similar talk I do, pitched at kids):
Tickets are £3.00 (HCBG members free). Please pre-book though, as they tell me places are limited.
It sounds like a fabulous talk. I am sure it will be packed. I wish I lived near Harrogate. Good luck and enjoy it.