Sunday, 5 June 2011

Children and Balloons Stuck to the Ceiling?

I have been out of the studio quite a lot recently, doing events with children.

On Wednesday, I celebrated National Family Week with a day of storytellings here in Sheffield, in St Mary's Church, which was great fun. There were children and balloons everywhere, most of which ended up stuck to the nave ceiling (balloons not children). Very popular with the vicar come the weekend I imagine.

Then on Friday morning, I took the train to Birmingham for the Young Readers festival. I did storytellings in Frankley Library and Erdington Library. Unfortunately, I had to write this post beforehand, but I'm sure I had a great time with everyone there (hello kids!)

I wrote this in advance as there was no time when I got back from Birmingham - I had to pack ready to get myself across to the Welsh border next day, for a performance at the Hay Festival.

Actually, I've had two events to do this year: first up was a storytelling, promoting Bears on the Stairs which, all being well (!), I will have done this morning. Then there's another for Dragon's Dinner straight after lunch.

I confess, I'm just slightly apprehensive, as I noticed when I saw the publicised programme a couple of weeks ago, that my events were billed for 3 - 5 years which, to be honest, is a bit younger than I like. But I'll do my best and try not to make any babies cry...

Last time I did Hay I felt a bit lonely come the evening, so this time I have taken my new PA with me for company. All part of his job description, I reckon. 


  1. Hi Lynn, as a young illustrator with very little experience in this business, I just wanted to ask - all these wonderful events that you do, is this also a paid job, or is this more of a volantery work in creating good mood and inspiring children to read?

  2. love all those colourful balloons! so playful!

  3. Hi Elina - the children's events I do are indeed great for encouraging children to associate books and libraries with fun, and to inspire them to write and draw, but they are also paid work and add up to quite a big part of my income. If it's something you are considering having a go at, there is an article about it at and at (although bear in mind that, although the top end of the fee structure hasn't gone up much in the 2 years since I wrote the posts, the cheaper charges are now too low for all but a first time beginner). Good luck!

  4. Hi Lynne, I have worked in Animation for the last 15 years and am currently compiling a new folio of work aimed at editorial illustrations, and after watching your instructional videos on your web site, I was very interested about the illustration trade show which you mentioned. I had never heard of these and would be very interested to hear if they still run and if so are they the best way to get your work in front of publishers? and/or what other methods would you suggest?...Hope you dont mind me using your comments section to ask but I could'nt access your e mail address through the link.I find your work inspiringly wonderful and hope you can find time to answer. Chris Evans

  5. Hi Chris - thank you!

    I'm afraid the illustrators tradeshow was something from the 80s that only ran for about 3 years I think. I suspect that it wasn't viable as so few illustrators had any money to lay out!!

    The only ways I know now of getting your work in front of publishers is either through websites, to go round in person, or to pay for a section in a contact book / database.

    Hope that helps. Good luck with the animation - always something I've found fascinating!
