Sunday, 6 February 2011

A Spot of Acting, Darling...

I did something rather different on Friday afternoon...

A friend of mine works for a company that creates, amongst other things, e-learning products. They are pitching an interactive, e-book idea to a publisher and needed a narrator, to turn a regular picture book into an interactive talking book. Enter Yours Truly, stage left.

I love reading aloud ('with feeling, Darling...') and, as you know, I am a right show-off, so thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was all very low-tech at this stage, as it's only for a demo, so just done in my studio, but let's hope it sells the idea to the publisher.

By the way, the image above is from my very first book, The Show at Rickety Barn by Jemma Beeke. I have a bit of a soft-spot for this wonderfully grumpy carthorse, who fancies himself as a rather high-brow poet!


  1. I am sure kids will love to read this ebook. I am happy to know about this blog. Will it be possible that you will also post those interesting books here. Thanks!

  2. Your animals have so much character!! Which is exactly how you are, so no wonder. I would LOVE to hear you read a story!!

  3. What a beautiful image, Lynne! Exquisite
