Friday, 18 February 2011

How to Draw a Koala...

On Wednesday morning I started on the crocodiles (N is for 'Nana'), then had to stop. I suddenly remembered - I wanted to make a visual joke out of the book they are reading: it's going to be a copy of Baby Goes Baaaa! itself.

But, since we haven't yet decided which, if any, of my cover designs will be used, let only what colour the cover will be, I couldn't progress. I couldn't even work on other aspects of the illustration, beyond the crocs themselves, in case I chose colours that wouldn't work against the book.

So I moved on to the koalas. This is the very first page of the book, and the text will read 'Baby goes Ahhhhh...'

In the printed book, the koalas will sit opposite the skating lamb, so I tacked that artwork to the drawing board alongside, so I could make sure the tones and colours coordinated.

I decided to start by building up the different blue-greys and violets of the fur, to mould the koalas tonally
, putting the darkest areas of the noses, and the colours of their outfits in last.

Then it got dark and I had to stop, as I couldn't judge colours properly.

Thursday was my teaching morning and, once again, the afernoon got gobbled up with admin to do with my forthcoming batch of school visits, so the koalas have been floating in limbo. But I'm back to rescue them this morning.


  1. It is one delights to see the evolution of their work.
    thank you for publishing yours it experiences.

  2. I love the idea of putting your book in your book! So that makes everyone the crocodiles! ;) I am just in love with all your characters! The lamb is so eye catching and I'm sure the koalas will be too! I love the expression on their faces!

  3. I am finding this all fascinating and so enjoying all the colourful characters. They really look as though they are enjoying themselves and are having fun!

  4. These are brilliant, Lynne, as usual. Will you be doing the photoshop backgrounds or are the publisher's responsible for that?

    (Also, thanks for your comments on my flickr!)

  5. Thank folks.

    Yes Katie, I will do the Photoshop work, but I will do it in cahoots with the designer at Egmont. I will knock the pink out and then we will play around at our computers, dropping colours in to see what works and emailing suggestions back and forth.

  6. Loooove those slippers on Mummy Croc! :-D
