Friday, 5 November 2010

Birthday Boy

It was John's birthday yesterday. I often make him birthday cards, themed around what's going on in our life.

This one dates from the time of Bridget Jones Diary, a film John loved, the way you might love a dose of leprosy. Above was the illustration on the front of the card, and below is the inside (he also hates musicals and Eminem):

You may also remember a couple I showed you from the Smudge series I did for him when we had our cat, or the one of Clyde, The Phantom Pisser, who we cat-minded for a while.

Lately, John's been spending a lot of time down in the cellar, sawing insulation blocks to fit between the ceiling beams, to help keep the living room above a bit warmer.

He may hate Bridget Jones, but he is very keen on the Terminator films, which gave me an idea...

I did a quick image trawl on the web and found this old Terminator poster. Then I did a drawing, combining the poster with this photo of John (luckily, wearing the fleece he usually has on during his cellar interludes):

I would normally work digitally on home-made cards, for speed, but unfortunately my printer has been playing up lately, so this time I had to use fine-point pen and felt tips. Not quite as slick, but I'm still pleased with it, and it amused Cellar Man:


  1. very clever! please pass on my personal birthday greetings - oh! and from the bear too!!!

  2. Happy Birthday John, you lucky dog you! You are married to a wonderful woman. For you every day must be a happy day :)

  3. Ha ha ha - you tell him Bob! And does he appreciate me..?

  4. LOL! They're great! :-D
