Sunday, 17 October 2010

Animals on Glass

I'm all excited, as an interesting and rather different project has come my way...

I have the opportunity of a big window display in Sheffield City Centre. It's a great chance to showcase my books, just a stone's-throw from Waterstones, and might also catch the eye of some local teachers and generate more school visits.

The thing is, the space I've been offered is 16ft x 8ft - a massive area to fill with a few itsy-bitsy books. Mmmm... Then I remembered the vinyl stencils we got printed for my exhibition. How striking it would be to have huge cavorting animals all over the window! So, I emailed round my lovely publishers and asked for some dosh.

and Hachette have offered to split the costs between them (thank you!), so I've been deciding which animals would work best.

The vinyl comes in a 4ft wide roll and I have enough to pay for 12ft of it, so I've been creating a sort of animal jigsaw in Photoshop, trying to fit as many creatures onto the roll as I can, creating digital artwork, ready for the printer. Even at a much smaller scale, the file is still over 250MG!

I've also been thinking lately about ways to display the children's monster drawings from my illustration competition. I showed some to David, the Project Manager and window designer, and he had some interesting ideas about ways to use them in the window too.

I'll take photos when it's all up, so watch this space!


  1. cooooooooooooooooooool!!! excellent gig. Bet it'll brighten loads of commuters day too. one of my favourite things about working on regent street was the liberty window displays.

  2. Love your work Lynne. The large giraffes look fabulous next to your art!

  3. What an exciting project - bet that display will be a real hit with young and old! Can't wait to see it!

  4. That sounds great, fun to do something really big.
    Gosh yes, the file in photoshop will be huge, won't it.
    I bet when you save it you can pop off and make tea before it finishes :)
