Friday, 17 September 2010

Yum Yum...

Yesterday was a sunny day. I thought: I'll eat my lunch in the garden, but perhaps it would be nice to draw it first. Unfortunately, by the time I'd prepared it and taken my sandwich, some fruit, my coffee and sketchbook, my pencil-case, paints and me down the garden, I was far too peckish to hang about, so gobbled it up!

Never mind, I thought, I'll draw the aftermath. But 5 minutes in, the sun disappeared and it got quite chilly. I ploughed on. Then the wind started gusting and blowing things away. I persevered. Then it started to rain.

Luckily, I had just about done, and quickly ferried everything back indoors again, just in time for the sun to come out!


  1. Good old British weather! Fab picture too.

  2. Looks like you've been enjoying some plums from the garden!

  3. The painting looks as delicious as the food!!

  4. Typical of the English weather. Ha!

    Love the shadow of the fork.

  5. Well soptted Jill - how are your feet?

  6. love the light in your paintings.
