Friday, 16 April 2010

Class Three on TV

No, not an alternative title, but the news that Class Three all at Sea is going to be read as the lunchtime story on CBBC. Hurrah!

No idea quite when yet - so far the BBC have just asked permission, but it's lovely that they want to do it and great publicity.

I'll let you know more when I know - often I miss the broadcasts, as I only find out when it's too late, but I'll try and get something concrete to tell you.


  1. What a wonderful publicity it will be! Congratulations!

  2. Good news Lynne... I hope all's well with you.

  3. Hi Lynne,
    I love your blog so much that I nominated you for a Sunshine Award! :) Happy Drawing. T.

  4. thats super to get tv coverage of your books!

  5. Congratulations! Your work is great! And I love to see that you're experimenting with ink. I'm an ink illustrator myself and I feel there are too few of us nowadays.

  6. Hi Lynne! You have received an award on my blog!
