Thursday, 25 March 2010


I was very brave and didn't cry, although I did have a bit of a funny turn at one point - you know, where shock makes you go all weird and queasy? Apparently I went very white but luckily managed not to disgrace myself by throwing up.

It took 2 hours and was the same as last time, except in stereo, and with LOTS more anaesthetic, so I didn't kick him in the teeth again! John came to hold my hand and help me hobble to the car afterwards, with my two bandaged feet.

I couldn't manage stairs on my own, so spent all of yesterday in the living room, alternating between reading, sketching and phoning friends and family for lots of lovely sympathy. John pre-prepared a lunch for me, which I drew before I ate it:

I went back for a check up last night and the doctor took off most the bandages, just leaving the dressings between my toes where he spiked me. This is what they look like now (the yellow is not bruising but iodine):

I am clearly doing something wrong though, to have my toes in this mess, probably not wearing the right shoes, so I treated myself to a pair of healthy, but quite funky, new ones they were selling at the clinic:


  1. This all sounds very opainful Lynne. I hope you're - well... back on your feet soon and able to enjoy your holiday.

  2. That does sound very painful...I too hope you make a super swift recovery and are back on your feet in record time. Lovely sketches! Awesome red shoes and I LOVE beetroot and cheese sandwiches!

  3. Oh no! I'm on the waiting list now!!!
    Love the shoes.

  4. Oh my god that lunch looks absolutely delicious.
    Thank god I read this post close to lunchtime, I will nip off and make myself something straight away.
    But, here's wishing you a speedy and total recovery, with maybe a few more lunches thrown in :)

  5. Ha ha - I'm rather hurt that you thought of your stomach 1st and your sympathy for my ordeal 2nd Jon!

    Good luck Jill - you'll be much better afterwards I promise x

  6. Ah, well, no, you see, I waffled on about sandwiches first, and then sent best wishes, cos the wishes were more important :)

  7. Thanks for sharing this post with us .

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