Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Come to Corby!

Remember Corby's crazy Big Draw event in October? They have invited me back for their Play on Words Festival in March so, if you missed out last time, you have another chance to catch a storytelling.

And this one will be EXTRA SPECIAL, because I will be doing the events together with Julia Jarman, author of Class Two at the Zoo, Class Three all at Sea and Kangaroo's Cancan Cafe!

Now, anyone who has met either of us will know that we are both inclined towards over-excitement, so, when we get together it's very lively and a lot of fun. As well as the stories, there will be pirate songs and cancan dancing, and everyone will get to draw, including me of course!

If you want to join us, we will be performing on March 6th at Corby Library.

There will be 2 identical shows, aimed at 4 - 8 yr olds, from 11.00 - 12.30 and 1.30 - 3.00. Events are free, but you need to book a place by calling 01526 203 304, where you can also find out about all the other fun things that are going on for the festival, all over town: as well as loads of lovely storytelling, you can make a Gruffalo from felt, or weaving a story in willow - sounds fascinating!

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