Friday, 6 November 2009

Back from Reading

Well, it's been a very busy week for travelling - I clocked up 9 hours in the last 2 days.

heading home

I took a train down to Reading on Wednesday afternoon, but unfortunately had an awful seat for drawing purposes (very high-backed seats and only back views, mainly of people's knees!) so I read my Ian Rankin novel instead. I did these sketches on the way home the next evening.

history student

I had a smashing day on the Thursday at St Finian's Catholic Primary. I kicked off with my PowerPoint talk to Y3 and above, which was great, as all the kids were then even more excited in advance of their individual sessions.

It was a lovely, varied day too: I followed the talk with a couple of storytellings for the littlies, an illustration workshop with Y3, then finally a writing workshop with Y5 (we wrote a story about a hedgehog, who lived in the wall of their classroom, and ended up accidentally jumping out into the Head Teacher's hair!).

Thatcham station

It was a bit of a slog back to Sheffield. This is me distracting myself from the cold on Thatcham station, waiting for my connection. I didn't get back home until after 9pm, when John poured me a nice glass of red wine: what a star!

I have nearly a week off now - whoopeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!


  1. Mr CBD - where's the fun in that?

  2. Too true.

    I've removed the comment as this is a child-friendly blog please!

  3. Hi Lynne!!! I think what you have uniqal style in drawing!!! It's good work!
