Saturday, 24 October 2009

Big Draw Dinosaur!

If you missed the family open day at my exhibition in August, there is a repeat performance coming up next week, on Wednesday October 28th.

It won't be the same as the summer: this time we are celebrating The Big Draw so we're calling the day Big Draw Dinosaur! and concentrating on drawing... yep, you guessed it: dinosaurs!

I will be there all day, reading my dinosaur books, doing my 'Rolf Harris' bit on the flipchart ('D'ya know what it is yet..?') and showing you how to draw your favourite dinos.

There will be plenty of other interesting things for you to get involved in too: we have an actor creating games for the children, and another artist who will help you decorate your own dinosaur footprints! If you want to, your footprint can become a scale on a massive dinosaur picture on the wall.

You can test out your tracking skills too, by finding and following the trails of dinosaur footprints around the building, to see if you can find who made them...

And if you get bored with all that wonderful stuff, there are also regular storytellings happening throughout the day in the library downstairs.

Doors open at 11am, when I will be starting my first 1hr session (with 2 further sessions starting at 12.45 and 2.00). We finish at 3pm.

The exhibition closes on November 7th, so if you wanted to see it, but haven't got round to it yet, this would be a good opportunity, especially if you have kids to bring along.

We're at the Tameside Central Art Gallery and Library, postcode OL6 7SG. Driving instructions are here, nearest train stations: Ashton-u-Lyne, Guide Bridge or Stalybridge. Any problems, ring the gallery on 0161 342 2650.

See you there?


  1. Very beautiful, I like the colors, the friendliness and the character of your illustration. Regards from spain.

  2. They look wonderful Lynne!!!! I wish I could see them in the flesh...
    Hope you're well.

  3. Thanks all - it went really well yesterday at the exhibition and we had loads of kids turn up!
