Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Happy Birthday Sam!

When I did a post last month on the publication of Dragon's Dinner, I got a request for a signed copy from Blogger friend and painter Vivien Blackburn for her grandson Sam's 2nd birthday. If you have a moment, take a look at Vivien's landscape and flower paintings - they are lovely.

I just had a nice message from her to say that Sam's birthday has arrived and he loves his present.

This is Sam with Mum: cute isn't he?


  1. He really did love it Lynne :>)

    and thank you for mentioning my book

    Bears on the Stairs has already been promised as soon as it's out

  2. That's great, I'm so pleased.

    It'll be at least a year until Bears is out though, sadly quite possibly 18 months. It all moves SO slowly! 'Rumble Roar Dinosaur!' will be the next one, in March.
