Thursday, 20 August 2009

Live From Edinburgh!

Hello! I am at this moment sitting in the Author's Yurt at the Edinburgh Festival. It's a big tent, sort of a cross between an igloo and a tepee, where we can hang out between events. There is coffee (and wine!) on tap and they even supply freebie sandwiches.

My events are now all done. They went really well and I'm having a lovely time. It was great fun working with Peter Bently and Julia Jarman again - our sessions together were chaotic but hilarious (no real rehearsal time, as we live at opposite ends of the country).

I have been looked after really well by my publishers, who took me out for gorgeous meals the last couple of evenings (thanks guys!). I've been to a talk by Ian Rankin, and another by the wonderful Gerald Scarfe. F
or the first time ever, I met Simon Puttock, author of Big Bad Wolf is Good and I also sat in on the storytelling by my good friend Lydia Monks.

It's been REALLY windy and because the whole thing is done from inside tents, it feels like we could all be whisked away at any moment!
It's mostly not rained in the end, but then the skies opened this morning, which of course gets rather noisy on the tent roof when you are reading stories! But the sun has just come out, so I think I will wander into town and see what is happening at the Fringe. Just got to sample another sandwich first...


  1. Oh, I am glad you had such a good time !
    I know some of Lydia Monks' books and I love her work. It makes me smile most of the time ;-)
    I wish I could meet you one day ;-)

  2. hey lynne
    thanks for your lovely comments on my blog.

    glad you are having a nice time in edinburgh. the yurt is great isn't it? have you seen the luggage shed which is magical attached to it?... all a trifle narnia!

    your blog is smashing... you look so busy and creative. very inspiring indeed.
    take care and perhaps we will bump into each other at an orchard do (i think i have met you before, but you probably don't remember!)

    enjoy the rest of the festival

  3. It's time for my temper-tantrum:

    I want to be a children's illustrator RIGHT NOW!!!!! Not now but RIGHT NOW!!!!

    You are having soooo much fun. Wish I was there.

  4. Thanks for your fantastic workshops at Stockport Art Gallery and Stockport Library on Tuesday 11th. It was a great way to start our summer programme of activities designed to bring reading to life.

    All the children and parents had a great time and produced some really exciting work. It was also very inspiring to see your sketches of people on the train! What a productive and positive way to spend time on your arduous journey.

    Thanks again and good luck with your exhibition - It looks great!

    Jackie Mellor (Stockport Art Gallery)

  5. Thanks all - back safe and sound now, in the real world again!

    Leigh - Aha! I'm sure I will know you as soon as I see your face, I'm just totally rubbish at names (or do you mean that we met at that stage in the party where I was already too drunk to remember anything?!!)

    Co - I agree, and you should hear Lydia read them too: she's smashing!

  6. Wow! Sounds like great fun Lynne and it kinda scares the bejeezums out of me! So many childrens book Illustrators and Authors have to attend and participate in speaking events, signings, and readings. It makes my stage fright sense tingle!!

    If I may ask a question please? When you divide your time between self promotion, book promotion, book keeping, and Illustrating, what percent of your time goes to what? And which is your favorite? Ok..that was two questions, sorry. :(

  7. Hi Mighty Kwan - yes, a bit scary at first but I really enjoy the events now, so well worth having a go at, if you've not tried it yet.

    The balance of work is always a tricky one and not planned, just muddled through! I try to do admin and emails first thing and aim to get that out of the way between 8 - 10am, but sometimes it eats up until lunchtime, if there are lots of school visits to arrange. The blog is done after work, early evening.

    I allow 2 solid months off for promotional events - March and October, then as many more individualy days as I can fit in around my work deadlines.

    Book keeping is only done sensibly if I'm not busy: mostly it's done all together at the last minute when the accountact is after me.

    As for favourites: illustrating and events are joint top (a perfect combo) and are gonna knock the spots off admin any day!

  8. Thanks for the info Lynne!! Their are so many aspects of this industry that have to be taken into account before treading in. Best to be as prepared as possible! Thanks again!!

