Thursday, 6 August 2009

Flip-Flippety-Flop in the Air...

I broke off from my tracing to return to Lichfield for another day of Summer Reading Challenge storytellings.

This is me in Lichfield Library, helping the kids draw dragons.

While I was setting up, I bumped into author Steve Smallman - Lichfield Library turns out to be his local. We had a lovely chat and he told me he's up for the Sheffield Children's Book Award this year, with Smelly Peter the Great Pea Eater. Well done Steve!

It's about aliens and peas, and Steve originally wanted to call it Peas On Earth - ha ha! Unfortunately the publisher thought it was too clever-clever.

If you are a child, you can take part in the Sheffield Book Award voting here.

I've been trying out a new song idea for my Dragon's Dinner storytellings. Anyone remember the old record: 'A Windmill in old Amsterdam'? It's the one that goes:

'I saw a mouse. Where? There on the stair. Where on the stair? Right there! A little mouse with clogs on. Well I declare! Going clip-clippety-clop on the stair. Oh Yeah'

Well, it works really well if you change the mouse to a dragon. Instead of 'on the stair', he's 'in the air' and with blue spots on, not clogs. He can even go flip-flippety-flop (hence today's blog-title) so it fits brilliantly!

I had a great day in Lichfield, again, and sold out all the books I took with me - hurrah! It was lovely that people were so keen, but also meant a much lighter case to haul home on the train.


  1. And I think that same song will work well - and dare I say it... even better - for the bears on the stairs.

  2. Hi,

    We'd love to run a piece on this (and any forthcoming Lichfield visits) together with the pic on The Lichfield Blog (

    If you could let us know if this would be possible that would be great. We're on thelichfieldblog(at sign)


  3. Great idea Damian - I hadn't spotted that!

    Yes, I'd love to be part of Lichfield's blod - I'll be in touch.
