Sunday, 12 July 2009

Creating More Website Montages

Remember I designed a sketchbook montage for my new website? It works well, so I have been stealing time to create another one, for an introduction page to my sketchbooks.

I want to be able to add more sketches over time, so have decided to divide the sketchbooks into locations (ie Asia, UK, Europe etc) to keep things manageable. My new montage will go behind the thumbnails for these categories:

It's muted so the thumbs will show up, and of course big lumps will be eclipsed by them, which is why it's so 'busy'. This is roughly how it will work:

Each of these white square will contain a relevant drawing. When you click one, you'll see a selection of sketchbooks to choose from, which you click to see the specific drawings.

I wanted to keep things lively and varied, but can't afford the time to do any more montages, so the designer has enlarged various sketches as background images for the thumbnails within each of the categories above.

This drawing sits behind all my 'In The UK' sketchbooks for instance.

I did end up having to create one more montage - none of my train portraits worked as a background, so I combined several (in Photoshop of course) for the backdrop to the 'Train People' sketchbooks: