Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Beginning Work on the New Book

Since I last spoke about my newest project, I have been negotiating the terms of the contract, but it is now all set, signed and posted. So we are ready to go!

The first thing I always ask, is for a set of full-size layouts to be set with type and printed out for me:

This way I know what text I have to work with on each page, and exactly how much space it is going to require. Of course, the position in not set at this stage - I will move the text around to fit the images I create. Nobody, including me, knows what they will look like yet!

There is an artwork deadline of Oct 2nd and, allowing for my various school commitments, this leaves me just enough time: no spare for illness (or rubbish drawing), so I am felling slightly anxious.

I'm sure I'll feel better though, once I've got my teeth into it.


  1. Great news Lynne Congraulations !

    I always get so excited when you embark an a new project. I'm going to have to get a specal book case soon to hold my collection of all your books!

    Muvver XX

  2. I loved that you showed a picture of the text and space provided for your illus. Keep us posted on your progress.

    Also, today I did my first random person sketch on the back of receipt while in my car waiting to pick up a pizza for dinner. My sketch was awful but, it was so fun... although I need to keep a real sketchbook :) You inspire me. thanks

  3. Hey Diana!! Well done you!

    It doesn't matter if the sketch is not perfect - as you say, it's the experience that's the thing, and they will get better, because it's SO good for your drawing.

    Get a sketchbook though, so you can look back at your progress (get an little one - that's less intimidating to start with).

  4. How exciting! I haven't done children's illustration for a publisher so I'm fascinated by this. Could I ask, is the text design down to you too? Thanks Lynne!x

  5. No, I get to suggest the approx position it should be in, to fit my image, but the final layout, and the choice of font / text size etc are all decided by the Designer at the publishers. It's a team effort and I'm allowed imput, but they always get the final word!
