Friday, 15 May 2009

The Unluckiest Person in the World!!!

Remember that last weekend I caught a cold? I didn't seem to get the head cold, but boy did I cough, and when I breathed in, it sounded like blowing bubbles through a straw in a glass of lemonade.

I thought I'd given it to John when he got ill mid week. Then, when he took to his bed, I thought: man cold.

But guess what? He had a different cold altogether. Instead of me infecting him, he gave his to me, so I'm ill all over again!! This time I've got the whole thing: sore throat, sneezing all over the computer monitor (too graphic?).

One bit of news though to cheer me up: I just heard that A Lark in the Ark is going to be a Cbeebies bedtime story. It'll be ages yet til it's on, but it's lovely to be chosen.

The votes for the Red House Awards are all in now, so somebody somewhere knows whether we won (exciting, but sort of strange). They keep it a closely guarded secret though, until the big ceremony next month, when they do the old envelope opening trick...

I'm so upset - I have an important wedding abroad, so won't be able to attend. Peter will be there to cry on my behalf though, should we get lucky.

The drawing at the top is from An ABC of Nursery Rhymes by the way: Ring-a-Ring-a-Roses of course. It also seemed a fortuitous answer to this week's Illustration Friday: which happens to be Contagious.

Above is my original picture book illustration.


  1. your illos are great - i especially love the fine textures! get well soon both of you!!

  2. Great drawings. Sorry to hear you got two bugs right in a row, hope you feel better soon!

  3. Hi Lynne - ooh, bad luck on the bug-front there eh?! But what a lot of fabby news! I do hope you win at the 'Oscars'! Love your IF this week, I'm just working on mine, which involves Tiddles and some spots, haha! Get well soon x

  4. Your sneezing man is great. I wanted to click him quickly away so I won't get his germs. I like your work.

  5. I feel like that now. Nice illustration. Very well done.

  6. ...the same with me:well,is contagious!!!
    wonderful illo Lynne!
    get well and have a nice w-end!!

  7. Great colors! the pandemia is coming!

  8. I'm sorry you are sick again Lynne! I love your contagious! Very good illo! Perfect for this weeks' Illustration Friday! :)

  9. Great work as always. Your contagious man looks gloriously AWFUL. ewwwww.

  10. You know you probably wouldn't have caught the second bug if you'd been more sympathetic with Peter. Us guys always get accused of having 'man flu' humph...

    Good look with the RH Book Award. Definatley in with a good chance there I think.

  11. Great illustration Lynne! Excellent

  12. okay I thought he sneezed a pig out his nose, (snort) but clicked through to your blog and saw he really sneezed out an and entire playground! Good one!

  13. Hey Lynne, this is so perfect for contagious! Love your work. Get well soon (hopefully you already are) and congrats on the exciting news!
