Monday, 6 April 2009

Back From the Seaside

Going through emails and writing invoices this morning feels a bit dull, as I just got back last night from a smashing weekend of jiving in Scarborough.

I have never danced quite so much, for so long, in my life!! There were all sorts of different lessons end-to-end through the days, then jive parties in the evening and into the wee small hours of both nights (my poor, poor feet...).

I grabbed an hour or so rest, to shoot to the beach, enjoy the sun and do some quick sketches of the donkeys.

I didn't think they did seaside donkeys any more. They all looked very fluffy and very contented to be on their lunch break, with their heads stuck in nose-bags.

It was such a lovely day, I couldn't resist a brief paddle, which was mighty chilly, but refreshed the achy tootsies no end.

As you can see, I somewhat optimistically attempted a drawing of my paddling feet. Not the easiest view-point. I was also rather paranoid about dropping the sketchbook into the sea.

Sorry, I didn't even attempt to sketch the dancing - far too tricky, plus I was too busy being whirled around the dance floor myself. Yippee!

I really enjoyed myself, as you can probably tell. A lovely bunch of people too, most of whom I'd never met before, but jivers are so friendly.

OK. Back to real life...


  1. Ooooh I'm so envious! What a brilliant weekend - dancing and the seaside. I love the donkeys - they look so cute and fluffy.

  2. Sounds like a marvelous weekend. I go to dance weekends sometimes--contradancing, and then scandanavian folk dancing.

    No, can't draw yourself dancing.

    Fancy, donkeys at the beach! What a wonderful thing.

  3. It sounds so fun and you managed to find time to sketch too!x

  4. what a dreamy sounding weekend! your sketches capture a sliver of the experience!

  5. It was indeed fab and groovy! And who would have thought that having so much fun could be so good for you??

  6. Hi Coreopsis - what's Scandinavian folk dancing like? And what's Contradancing??

  7. Love the sense of life in all these sketches.
