Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Day in a Football Stadium!

I've been looking for something to top this post, but this is the only football illustration I can remember doing, from Spook School (they are ghost children, which is why the ball goes straight through him).

Anyway, I spent yesterday in Port Vale FC Stadium in Stoke on Trent. I wasn't playing football though, I was storytelling, in one of the premier boxes in the stadium, with an amazing view over the ground! It was a bit different to normal in other ways too: I was part of a 2-day extravaganza, offering all sorts of advice and free goodies to the local community.

My role was to encourage families to share stories with young children and, to help follow through, the organisers, the Children's & Young People's Services, gave one of my books free to every single child that attended. Isn't that brilliant!? I signed well over 400 books. Extraordinary.

The event was also to promote healthy eating, so there was loads of free food too. They were giving away all kinds of fruit, and even had a free smoothie bar! I'd had a bit of an early start to get there so, when I arrived, I was presented with a delicious muesli and yogurt breakfast, with peaches and honey - scrummy!

The day was quite hard work, as we had so many children coming through, but that just proved what a huge success the event was. Well done to everyone who helped: what a fabulous project!

And a big HELLO to all the boys and girls who came to see me!

By the way, these pencil sketches are people on the train there and back. I did a few more, but it was a bit frustrating - people kept moving half way through. How selfish!


  1. What an amazing day for you, reading to 400 children. And in such surroundings!

  2. You sure do get around! What a terrific day it must have been with all those children. I can't imagine how you managed to sign all those books, you must have got writer's cramp by the time you'd finished!X

  3. Wow, 400 children, how did you manage to project your voice so they could all hear you? You described the day so well I felt I was there too so where’s my signed copy of the book ;O)

    Well done Lynne, bet you were tired at the end of the day but well and truly satisfied.

  4. I LOVE the train sketches. THey make me wish that I had train rides to sketch people on (can't do it while you're driving to work in a car and it's a little impolite to sketch my students while they're working at their desks--though I do do it periodically). These are all wonderful!

  5. Mmmmm muesli, yogurt, peaches and honey! Sounds delicious.x

  6. Luckily I could do the signing in lots of short spurts, so managed ok. Normally I draw a little picture too, but of course sadly, that wasn't really practical this time.

    By the way, if you like the sound of the brekky, you should have seen the delicious lunch buffet, bursting with delicious salads. I filled my boots - reckoned I was earning it!
