Monday, 5 January 2009

Post Christmas Clutter Buster

Yes, today has been a day of trying to rescue some kind of order from the chaos. And the studio still looks like the paper fairy just dumped her detritus at random on every surface. Some of it is important, some of it is rubbish, some of it is, well, I can't remember what, because pre-Christmas feels like months ago...

Now, I am aware that many of you will be looking at this photo and thinking, 'What is she on about, my place looks much worse than that on a normal day!' What can I say: I am one of those people who has to feel in control of their environment to feel comfortable. I don't mind 'dirty mess' (pastel dust, pencil shavings, coffee spills...) but I feel swamped if the paper stuff gets beyond a certain state. I think I worry that there is something of life-or-death import, buried underneath the phone bills, unintelligible royalty statements and countless notebooks (with their various 'to do' lists).

I feel slightly better than I did earlier this morning, having crossed off 10 things from my brand new 'to do' list, but all has now to be scooped from the surfaces into one big pile, to make room for THE ACCOUNTS which, according to Robert, my accountant, have finally reached the do-me-now-or-die stage. Eek!


  1. I'm the same! Arty mess is fine, it needs no thinking but paperwork...yuk! :)x

  2. Until last week my dining table looked like your photograph. Then friends called round with a takeaway curry and before they arrived, I made a frantic effort to clear the table. Since then, we've had the luxury of being able to eat at the table, but I have no idea where all the paperwork is. And it MUST be important if it lay on the table so long, musn't it?

  3. You have no idea how much tidier your paper mess is than mine! However I am more determined than ever to get this under control- thanks to Stephanie Bennett Vogt's newest book, "Your Spacious Self." This book has helped me understand the reason why I am such a pack rat and how I can over come my horrible disposition of hoarding! I start de-junking this weekend. Wish me luck!

  4. Ha ha! I'm so pleased to hear that everyone has 'piles'!

    We have dining-table-syndrome too, and yes, we do the same superficial clear-up thing, usually when we have visitors, and then re-find that unpaid Visa bill weeks later - be warned!!
